Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February 2018 Comes to a Close

     As February 2018 draws to a close; time to make some final preparations for the Great Loop adventure. Depending on ice break up of the Great Lakes and the opening of the Erie Canal plan to throttle up mid April.

We continue to "fine tune" Spirit Song engines and electronics. The Joy Stick Pro continues to be a challenge as Mirage and Glendenning work with equipment software to enable smoother controls. We have also had several currently unknown shutdowns of the Suzuki 60HP. First we had problems with the port engine now the starboard has quit several times. Mirage and Suzuki are working together to isolate and remove the problem.

Joy and I are happy to report "We like and enjoy" our TT35. Yes, there have been issues but Mirage has responded in a timely manner. Hopefully our prototype trial has highlighted improvements for owners to come.